Nizami cinema

The "Nizami" cinema was built on the basis of the project of the famous architect Mikayil Huseynov and was commissioned in 1934. In the early days, this art center operated under the name of "Bedaye" cinema. Later, it was named "Nizami" cinema in connection with the 800th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi. Under the "State Program for the Development of Azerbaijani Cinema for 2008-2018" approved by the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan, major repair and reconstruction works carried out here have been completed at a high level.

Failure of water and sewage lines, underground water made the foundation of the building unusable. Therefore, the foundation of the building was completely excavated, the load-bearing structures were strengthened. After the repair, four halls were created in the building of the cinema. Light, sound, and acoustics systems have been rebuilt in all the halls equipped with foreign-made digital movie projectors and other movie devices. After major repairs and reconstruction, the cinema has become a center of culture where high comfort is ensured for the audience.